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序号 论文题目 发表刊物 论文收录 发表时间
1 Family care, rural labour migration and land lease: A case study of Jiangxi Province, China APPLIED ECONOMICS SSCI 2022
2 Stakeholder Relationships and Corporate Social Goal Orientation: Implications for Entrepreneurial Psychology Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022
3 Genuine performance of China’s forest products trade: An evaluation from the perspective of global value chains FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SSCI 2022
4 Does Smartphone Use Improve the Dietary Diversity of Rural Residents? Evidence from Household Survey Data from 5 Provinces International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2022
5 The Influence of Infant Schema Cues on Donation Intention in Charity Promotion Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022
6 The Impact of Environmental Information Disclosure on Environmental Governance Satisfaction sustainability SSCI 2022
7 Does the National Credit Demonstration Policy Affect Urban Green Economy Efficiency? Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta Region of China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2022
8 Female Off-Farm Employment and Fertility Timing in Rural China Frontiers in Public Health SSCI 2022
9 Impact of Dairy Imports on Raw Milk Production Technology Progress in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2022
10 Volunteer Service and Well-Being of Older People in China Frontiers in Public Health SSCI 2022
11 Do livestock environmental regulations reduce water pollution in China? ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS SCI,SSCI 2022
12 The Direct and Structure Effect of Income on Nutrition Demand of Chinese Rural Residents International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
13 The impact of women's off-farm employment on depressive symptoms: Evidence from rural China SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE SCI,SSCI 2022
14 study on the sustainable development factors of agriculture-oriented characteristic towns in china Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
15 How Design Technology Improves the Sustainability of Intangible Cultural Heritage Products: A Practical Study on Bamboo Basketry Craft Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
16 Impact Assessment of Farmland Lease-Out on Rural Households’ Livelihood Capital and Livelihood Strategy Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
17 Rural venture investments with credits mortgaged on farmer’s forests —a case study of Zhejiang, China Forestry Policy and Economics SCI,SSCI 2022
18 Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Green Agricultural Science and Technology Progress: A Case Study in Yangtze River Delta of China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
19 Analysis of the Effificiency of Forest Carbon Sinks and Its Inflfluencing Factors—Evidence from China Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
20 Spatiotemporal Pattern of Urban-Rural Integration Development and Its Driving Mechanism Analysis in Hangzhou Bay Urban Agglomeration International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
21 The Impact of the Integration of Urban and Rural Medical Insurance on Migrant Workers’ Overwork: Evidence From China Frontiers in Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
22 The Effect of Land Right Stability on the Application of Fertilizer Reduction Technologies—Evidence from Large-Scale Farmers in China Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
23 Does the Application of ICTs Improve the Efficiency of Agricultural Carbon Reduction? Evidence from Broadband Adoption in Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
24 Value Realization and Optimization Path of Forest Ecological Products—Case Study from Zhejiang Province, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
25 Does Non-Food Cultivation of Cropland Increase Farmers’ Income? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI,SSCI 2022
26 Source Identification and Apportionment of Potential Toxic Elements in Soils in an Eastern Industrial City, China International journal of environment research and public health SCI,SSCI 2022
27 Integrating social media and field investigations to monitor contaminated sites JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI,SSCI 2022
28 Does carbon financial market as an environmental regulation policy tool promote regional energy conservation and emission reduction? Empirical evidence from China ENERGY POLICY SCI,SSCI 2022
29 Assessing Coastal Reclamation Success in the East China Coast by Using Plant Species Composition Sustainability SCI,SSCI 2022
30 Identification of urban-rural integration types in China – an unsupervised machine learning approach China Agricultural Economic Review SCI,SSCI 2022
31 Regional convergence analysis of sustainable innovation efficiency in European Union countries Journal of Environmental Management SCI 2022
32 Dose environmental information disclosure raise public environmental concern? Generalized propensity score evidence from China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI 2022
33 How to encourage farmers to recycle pesticide packaging wastes: Subsidies VS social norms JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI 2022
34 Impact and mechanism of rural labor migration on forest management income: Evidence from the Jiangxi Province, China Frontiers in Environmental Science SCI 2022
35 Spatial–temporal characteristics and influencing factors of county-level carbon emissions in Zhejiang Province, China Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI 2022
36 Exploring ecosystem carbon storage change and scenario simulation in the Qiantang River source region of China SCIENCE PROGRESS SCI 2022
37 Assessing the eco-efficiency of complex forestry enterprises using LCA/ time-series DEA methodology ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS SCI 2022
38 Impact of Natural Disaster Shocks on Farm Household Poverty Vulnerability—A Threshold Effect Based on Livelihood Resilience Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution SCI 2022
39 Linkage and spillover effects of China's carbon market and stock market under the background of carbon neutrality: an analysis based on investor sentiment regulation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY SCI 2022
40 The effect of dietary awareness on household food waste WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH SCI 2022
41 Does Forest Resource Protection under the Carbon Neutrality Target Inhibit Economic Growth FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SCI 2022
42 Effect of Broadband Infrastructure on Rural Household CO2 Emissions in China: A Quasi-Natural Experiment of a “Broadband Village” Frontiers in Environmental Science SCI 2022
43 The effect of smartphones on the self-rated health levels of the elderly BMC Public Health SCI 2022
44 Convergence analysis of regional sustainable innovation efficiency in China Environment, Development and Sustainability SCI 2022
45 乡村振兴背景下农村碳排放变动及减排策略 农业经济问题 一级 2022
46 信息干预、测土配方施肥技术与经济林化肥减量——基于信息传递的视角 林业科学 一级 2022
47 合作社、康德式社会契约与何瓦斯剩余分配制 经济社会体制比较 一级 2022
48 数字时代信息嵌入式监管工具对线上绿色消费行为的推进效应—绿色购买场景模拟和监管工具设计实验 管理世界 一级 2022
49 生态创新的财政政策支持:一个文献综述 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) 一级 2022
50 基于碳收支核算的钱塘江流域森林碳补偿机制 林业科学 一级 2022
51 长三角区域经济社会与生态环境协调发展时空特征及相关性 应用生态学报 一级 2022
52 “两山”理念发源地森林生态产品价值实现效率 林业科学 一级 2022
53 基于耦合效应的林业碳汇项目风险 林业科学 一级 2022
54 自然资源资产离任审计与党内监督协同机制研究(人大全文复印) 中国人民大学报刊复印资料(全文复印) 一级 2022
55 商业信用环境影响绿色全要素生产率吗 中国人民大学报刊复印资料(全文复印) 一级 2022
56 中国生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化:理论解析、实践评价与研究展望 管理学刊 CSSCI 2022
57 乡村治理数字化的县域推进、村庄卷入和效能提升 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版) CSSCI 2022
58 退耕程度高低和时间早晚对农户收入的影响——基于多项内生转换模型的实证分析 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2022
59 集群社会资本驱动农业集群品牌价值实现吗 ——以品牌价值共创为中介 南开管理评论 CSSCI 2022
60 以色列创新生态系统的特征及其启示 演化与创新经济学评论 CSSCI 2022
61 基于数据变权预防指标人为操控期刊评价研究 情报资料工作 CSSCI 2022
62 碳中和目标背景下CCER林业碳汇项目开发优先序研究 统计与信息论坛 CSSCI 2022
63 老年人居家养老服务需求意愿与行为悖离的原因分析 人口与经济 CSSCI 2022
64 消费者对绿色消费监管政策的选择偏好和政策组合效果模拟 中国人口·资源与环境 CSSCI 2022
65 消费扶贫的购买者动机与偏好———基于选择实验方法的检验和分析 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2022
66 数字贸易背景下新一轮电子商务谈判的 中国方案: 机制与策略 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版) CSSCI 2022
67 Pollution Characteristics, Spatial Patterns, and Sources of Toxic Elements in Soils from a Typical Industrial City of Eastern China Land SSCI 2021
68 Time-varying influence of interest rates on stock returns: evidence from China Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja SSCI 2021
69 Women's Off-Farm Work Participation and Son Preference in Rural China Population Research and Policy Review SSCI 2021
70 Spatio-Temporal Change of Land Use in a Coastal Reclamation Area:A Complex Network Approach Sustainability SSCI 2021
71 Does it matter who gives information? The impact of information sources on farmers’ pesticide use in China Journal of Asian Economics SSCI 2021
72 A Simulation Study of the Effect of Delayed Retirement on Welfare of the Elderly: Evidence from China SAGE Open SSCI 2021
73 Triangular arbitrage across forex and cryptocurrency markets during the COVID-19 crisis: a MRS-AR approach APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS SSCI 2021
74 Effects of land transfer quality on the application of organic fertilizer by large-scale farmers in China LAND USE POLICY SSCI 2021
75 Organization model, vertical integration, and farmers’ income growth: Empirical evidence from large-scale farmers in Lin’an, China PLoS One SCI/SSCI 2021
76 Evaluation of the Implementation Effect of the Ecological Compensation Policy in the Poyang Lake River Basin Based on Difference-in-Difference Method Sustainability SCI/SSCI 2021
77 Impact of the implementation of carbon emission trading on corporate financial performance: Evidence from listed companies in China PLoS One SCI/SSCI 2021
78 The evolution and impact of timber markets in China’s southern collective forest region. Forest Policy and Economics FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SCI/SSCI 2021
79 A primer on forest carbon policy and economics under the Paris Agreement: Part I FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SCI 2021
80 Wood trade responses to ecological rehabilitation program: evidence from China's new logging ban in natural forests FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SCI 2021
81 Does e-commerce drive rural households engaged in non-timber forest product operations to adopt green production behaviors? JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI 2021
82 Does public pension impact migrant workers' nutrition: evidence from urban pension insurance in China CIENCIA RURAL SCI 2021
83 Research on the Online Spread of Rumors about the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products in the New Media Era Using an Improved SEIRS Model DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY SCI 2021
84 Temporal-Spatial Evolution and Driving Factors of the Green Total Factor Productivity of China’s Central Plains Urban Agglomeration FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SCI 2021
85 Research on the Measurement and Inflfluencing Factors of Implicit Water Resources in Import and Export Trade from the Perspective of Global Value Chains WATER SCI 2021
86 Risk-Averse Pricing Decisions Related to Recyclables’ Quality in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING SCI 2021
87 The Influence of Nontimber Forest Products Development on the Economic–Ecological Coordination—Evidence from Lin’an District, Zhejiang Province, China Sustainability SCI 2021
88 Structure Optiminization of e-Commerce Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING SCI(2020) 2021
89 Time-Varying Transmission Effects of Internet Finance Under Economic Policy Uncertainty and Internet Consumers’ Behaviors: Evidence from China Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics EI,2021,0.0 2021
90 国家审计在突发事件防控中的作用与实现途径 中国人民大学报刊复印资料(全文复印) 一级 2021
91 基于产权共享的众创空间资源聚合模式研究 科学学研究 一级 2021
92 外生激励和价值认同对农户持续参与森林碳汇项目意愿的影响 林业科学 一级 2021
93 基于KANO-QFD模型的某公立医院医疗服务质量提升研究 中华医院管理杂志 一级 2021
94 青少年网络成瘾的同伴效应与家庭调节效应 世界经济文汇 CSSCI 2021
95 建设“人与自然和谐共生的现代化”的“重要窗口” 浙江工商大学学报 CSSCI 2021
96 生态文明视角下的共同富裕观 治理研究 CSSCI 2021
97 绿色发展的中国经验及未来展望 中国人口·资源与环境 CSSCI 2021
98 政府在激励农户参与农村公共环境治理中的角色定位: 教育引导抑或行为示范 干旱区资源与环境 CSSCI 2021
99 林地经营规模对林业补贴政策实施对象选择及效果的影响研究:基于浙江省两县市调查 管理评论 CSSCI 2021
100 互联网时代农产品质量安全事件风险是如何被放大的?——基于“速生鸡”事件的扎根分析 宏观质量研究 CSSCI 2021
101 非农就业行为中普通话的提质效果及机制研究——基于CLDS微观数据的实证分析 教育与经济 CSSCI 2021
102 Study on the Impact of 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and Cultural Distance on China’s Forest Products Trade Journal of Coastal Research SSCI 2020
103 Memory utility, food consumption and obesity CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW SSCI 2020
104 How forestland size affects household profits from timber harvests: A case-study in China’s Southern collective forest area LAND USE POLICY SSCI 2020
105 Improved Mapping of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil via Integration of Multiple Data Sources and Various Geostatistical Methods Remote Sensing SCI 2020
106 Risk attitude, risk perception, and farmers' pesticide application behavior in China: A moderation and mediation model JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI 2020
107 The influence of COVID-19 on agricultural economy and emergency mitigation measures in China: A text mining analysis PLoS One SCI 2020
108 Efficiency evaluation of urban wastewater treatment: Evidence from 113 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SCI 2020
109 Determinants of Public-Private Partnership Adoption in Solid Waste Management in Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI 2020
110 How feminization of forest management drives households' adoption of technologies: Evidence from non-timber forest products operations in China FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SCI 2020
111 Stumpage price determination in China's collective forest region, Zhejiang as an example FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS SCI 2020
112 Advances in the Global Value Chain of the Shipping Industry Journal of Coastal Research SCI 2020
113 The fertility effects of public pension: Evidence from the new rural pension scheme in China PLoS One SCI 2020
114 An empirical study on consumer purchase intention for nuts and influencing factors-survey based on consumers from Zhejiang FOOD CONTROL SCI 2020
115 Is the biological assets measured by historical cost value-related? Custos e Agronegocio On Line SCI 2020
116 The Establishment of Evaluation Index System of Farmer Development Rights in China TEST Engineering and Management EI 2020
117 面向森林碳汇供给的企业减排路径选择机理与政策 生态学报 一级 2020
118 基于企业减排需求的森林碳汇定价机制 林业科学 一级 2020
119 产业组织模式对经济林种植户生态化经营的影响 林业科学 一级 2020
120 不同贫困程度农户退耕还林的收入效应 林业科学 一级 2020
121 设计团队结构影响异步协作模式的仿真研究 计算机集成制造系统 一级 2020
122 种粮大户社会资本、雇佣劳动与生产效率 关系研究 ———基于道德风险的视角 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2020
123 采收技术、销售模式与非木质林产品生产效率 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2020
124 农户信用合作融资的历史演进与内在逻辑 农村经济 CSSCI 2020
125 在校寄宿对农村儿童健康的影响 教育与经济 CSSCI 2020
126 中国宏观经济时序的趋势-周期分解测算与特征分析 统计与决策 CSSCI 2020
127 中美两国进口种类增长的贸易福利测算及其比较 亚太经济 CSSCI 2020
128 碳排放权交易的微观企业财务效果 ——基于"波特假说"的PSM-DID检验 财经论丛(浙江财经学院学报) CSSCI 2020
129 The Spillover Effects of Spousal Chronic Diseases on Married Couples' Labour Supply: Evidence from China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2019
130 How Can Intra-Industry Trade of Forest Products be
Promoted? An Empirical Analysis from China
Forests SCI 2019
131 Governance structure and performance of mariculture Sci-Tech parks: MARINE POLICY SSCI 2019
132 Carbon Footprint Analysis of Bamboo Scrimber Flooring—Implications for Carbon Sequestration of Bamboo Forests and Its Products Forests SCI 2019
133 Evaluating the performance of bamboo forests managed for carbon sequestration and other co-benefits in Suichang and Anji, China Forest Policy and Economics SCI,SSCI 2019
134 How off-farm work drives the intensity of rural households' investment in forest management: The case from Zhejiang, China forest policy and economics SCI,SSCI 2019
135 Forex swap premiums, shock response and covered profits: an ARDL-EGARCH model analysis Applied Economics Letters SSCI 2019
136 How does multimedia word of mouth influence consumer trust, usefulness, dissemination and gender? European J. International Management SSCI 2019
137 Interaction Effects between Technology-Driven Urbanization and Eco-Environment:Evidence from China’s East Zhejiang Region Sustainability SSCI 2019
138 Nonlinear Dynamics in the Finance-Inequality Nexus in China-CHNS Data sustainability SCI 2019
139 Medical system and nutrition improvement for the rural elderly Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition SCI 2019
140 Impact of Temperature Change on Per Unit Yield of Japonica Rice Ekoloji SCI 2019
141 Households' Decisions to Participate in China's Sloping Land Conversion Program and Reallocate Their Labour Times: Is There Endogeneity Bias? ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS SCI 2019
142 Can Farmer Adapt to Climate Change — An Evidence from Shandong in China Ekoloji SCI 2019
143 "The Belt and Road" and Environmental Education for College Students before Overseas Study Tour Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice SSCI 2019
144 白及产业现状及可持续发展策略 中草药 一级 2019
145 土地流转契约稳定性对转入土地农户化肥施用强度和环境效率的影响 自然资源学报 一级 2019
146 团队创新中的异步协作行为及其对产出的影响 计算机集成制造系统 一级 2019
147 非农就业对南方集体林区不同规模林农营林轮伐期的影响 自然资源学报 一级 2019
148 农民创业的驱动要素:基于扎根理论与编码方法的研究 经济社会体制比较 一级 2019
149 基于师生共创的创新创业教育双螺旋模式构建 高等教育研究 一级 2019
150 全球价值链背景下中国出口增加值隐含碳测度与结构分解 亚太经济 CSSCI 2019
151 延迟退休、全要素生产率与老年人福利 南开经济研究 CSSCI 2019
152 转入土地连片程度对生产效率的影响 资源科学 CSSCI 2019
153 农业生产集聚能否促进农民增收——来自淡水养殖的经验证据 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2019
154 生育保险能促进家庭生育吗 财经科学 CSSCI 2019
155 Efficiency and Risk in Sustaining China’s Food Production and Security: Evidence from Micro-Level Panel Data Analysis of Japonica Rice Production Sustainability SSCI,SCI 2018
156 Endogenous schooling, school proximity and returns to rural schooling in Northwestern China CHINA AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REVIEW SSCI,SCI 2018
157 Do agricultural services contribute to cost saving? Evidence from Chinese rice farmers CHINA AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REVIEW SSCI,SCI 2018
158 劳动力老龄化对竹林地利用效率的影响——基于中介效应的实证研究 林业科学 一级 2018
159 关系网络对农户林地流入行为的影响——基于浙江省的调查数据 中国农村经济 一级 2018
160 中国工业增加值的半月预报:基于宏观月度数据 系统工程理论与实践 一级 2018
161 Hedonic Price Ripple Effect and Consumer Choice Evidence from New Homes Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics EI 2018
162 农业产业集群价值共创机理研究——以美国新奇士柑橘集群的例证 价格理论与实践 CSSCI 2018
163 农业集群品牌经营主体价值共创行为产生机理 ———美国“新奇士”品牌的探索性研究 经济问题 CSSCI 2018
164 大学课堂中的教学行为、学习投入与学习收获----学生视角的调查 高教探索 CSSCI 2018
165 林业劳动力女性化状况及其对林业生产效率的影响——以竹林生产为例 农业技术经济 CSSCI 2018
166 理解精准扶贫:自我发展能力与资金运营责任落实 科学社会主义 CSSCI 2018
167 基于贝叶斯网络的控排企业林业碳汇需求机理与仿真研究 资源科学 CSSCI 2018
168 基于X-12-ARIMA调整的中国CPI波动检验 统计与决策 CSSCI 2018
169 延迟退休挤占家庭生育水平吗? 财经研究 CSSCI 2018

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